Ace Pineapple Cider & Shannon Irish Red

Ace Pineapple Cider

Beer is great year-round, but summer brings its own varieties. I noticed recently that hard ciders are becoming more popular. I had a chance to sample a new one from Ace, makers of an outstanding pumpkin cider that I am very much looking forward to having again this fall. Their pear cider, available in all seasons, merits a future review. But this one I had not seen before.

Indeed, it called out to me from the shelf with unabashed summery fruitiness.


Ace Pineapple Cider

In the glass it was brilliantly gold and sparkly. A very sophisticated look, like a nice champagne.

Ace Pineapple Cider

It was every bit as light and crisp as you would expect from a good cider. This one is best served served cold. But no cloying sweetness. The flavor was delicate, in no way overwhelming. You got the essence of pineapple without the punch, an effect that was accentuated by the mild carbonation. It was a good thirst-quencher of a cider for a hot early-evening.

Shannon Irish Red Beer
Shannon Irish Red Beer
Shannon Irish Red Beer

The Shannon red I picked up mostly because of the pretty can. On the back it says that you’re supposed to get aromatic hints of raisin bread, but I wasn’t able to detect that.

Shannon Irish Red Beer

It had great color in the glass, particularly with a little light behind it. That’s my favorite thing about reds. The head was a little on the thin side.

Shannon Irish Red Beer

The taste, however, would make it welcome on my dinner table anytime. Just the slightest sweetness (maybe that’s the raisin bread?) balanced out the hoppy bitterness. I wouldn’t call it an outstanding beer, but it’s a good, comfortable solid one that I will buy again.

Happy summer!