→ America Skittles Review with Brian

Hello again, folks.

It has been a while now since I’ve been active on this site, but life has not held still for me and the family. Since the last time I posted anything of significance, quite a great deal has happened, actually, much of which was originally destined for publication here. Well, as it does, life got in the way, priorities shifted, my free time diminished, etc. etc. — and the gist of it all is that you folks were left unattended for many months.

Well, my hope is to change that situation, especially as we draw nearer to that weird season both blessed and profane, which has become so dear to my heart over the last several years.

And I do have things to show you.

I hope you will indulge me if quite a few of those things involve a short trip back in time to catch you up on all the adventures of the past year. They will be new experiences to you, at any rate, though they might necessarily arrive just a bit out of season.

Better late than never, as they say.

Which brings me to today’s post. This June we were delighted to once again host our good friend Brian Hammons of ReviewTheWorld.com as he made his long-awaited return trip to Dallas. The story of that visit is worth a blog in itself. Needless to say, some hot summer fun, fresh eats, and review-worthy times were had by all.

And what better way to commemorate that occasion than by revisiting one of my favorite joint-review projects with Augie and Brian, the now traditional Skittles multi-way review, in which we launch into some new seasonal varieties promising plenty of explosive and sometimes oddball candy flavors. First up — America Skittles, filmed in plenty of time for Independence Day celebrations, but only released today, with fall peeking around the corner. Such is life.


And, it’s good to be back.

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