Old Photos

little Toby at Holly Beach

Once upon a time I was a little kid with kind of reddish, wavy hair. Shy and timid. I was a decent runner. I enjoyed collecting rocks when my Mom would take me on walks around the neighborhood. I liked playing outside. Holly Beach in South Louisiana was about as far as we ever made it back in those days, and only maybe twice that I remember. Even back then it had the reputation of being kind of trashy and muddy, but Louisiana didn’t have many options for beaches. Lots of beer tabs in the sand waiting to split your foot open, which I heard happened to my godfather once. Still, though, you could see the water and hear the waves crashing the shore. It was on one of those trips, maybe this one, that my grandfather and father caught a small sandshark with their bare hands, and hauled it up onto the beach. There’s a photo of them posing with it somewhere. I’m not sure whatever happened to the shark, but I assume they tried to eat it.