Chisholm Trail in Watercolor

Chisholm tree

A while back I intended to start a series where I’d review local parks. Although that never quite got off the ground, I’d like to return to it soon. These are a few photos I took one morning during a walk along the Chisholm Trail in Plano, TX. They’re mostly showing off the watercolor filter on my Sony, which I think makes for some amazing shots, particularly in soft morning or evening light.

These were actually taken back in March 2016. The blog is post-dated so that it shows up in the feed.

Dandelion closeup Geocache in a tree Dandelions on the table

We even managed to do a little geocaching on the trip. The trail is not a park per se, but it stretches for miles through the city, along creeks, through the woods, and bordering neighborhoods and businesses. It’s a surprisingly peaceful and not overly-trafficked walk, quite beautiful in the fall.